Fitness February Featuring #FitMoms: Meet Amanda Shapin Michelson
Next up in our Fitness February series is Amanda Shapin Michelson.
Amanda is a certified health coach, personal trainer, and a mom. She is also the author of a recently released book: 'Pregnancy Hacks' and a writer at The Everymom. Her blog Shapin Up started as a fitness blog but easily evolved into helping shape all parts of your life: from what you eat to how you move.
We asked Amanda why (and how!) fitness remains such a key part of her life and how it's changed since she became a mother. "It's so important for me to make time for fitness in my day. It's not leisurely and long visits to the gym like I was used to pre-kids," shares Amanda. "Now it's more like a 20-minute workout in my basement while my little one is still asleep, but it's still such an important part of my day. It's time just for me to move my body and to do something I love. Plus, I find that working out (whether it's a gentle yoga flow or an intense cycling class) gives me more energy throughout the day, which is absolutely necessary when chasing around a toddler."
Amanda is currently pregnant with her second baby (due in March!). For her, finding time for consistent movement in her day is something her mind and body needs. We can certainly relate!
Follow our Instagram feed this Friday for a quick workout with Amanda.