4 Ways to Keep the Holidays Simple with Puffworks

Keep the Holidays Simple with Puffworks

The holiday season never fails to be the most wonderful, yet most stressful time of year. The kids are off of school, the wish-lists are compounding, and the travel plans that seemed so far away have finally arrived. On-top of all of this, it can be extremely difficult to find time to make healthy choices or prioritize your well-being. Lucky for you, Puffworks knows a thing or two about keeping it simple. Here are a few ways to take the stress-and-mess out of the holiday season!

1. Make a To-Do List (and check it twice)

Don’t underestimate the power of the checklist (Santa does it, so maybe you should too!). Making sure you write down (or even type up on your phone) what needs to get done and crossing it off as you go will help keep you organized, accountable, and feeling accomplished. It may even allow you to prioritize the items on your list and make more time to do the things you love! Don’t forget to add “buy more Puffworks” to your to-do list!

2. Get the Shopping Done Early 

Easier said than done, we know, but pressure is always on by the time the holidays roll around. If you listen carefully throughout the year, you may pick up on things your friends and family mention they want. Go ahead and make those purchases ahead of time to avoid the crazy holiday shopping malls, or the risk your package not being delivered on time.

3. Pack Snacks!

As ideal as planning ahead may be, there is still a strong chance you’ll be running around during the holidays. Make sure to pack healthy snacks that’ll keep you going in between tall the Christmas cookies and eggnog! May we suggest some peanut butter puffs?!

4. Make Time for Family

This one seems inevitable and obvious. But just because the family is all together doesn’t mean quality time comes easy! If you’re trying to make the holidays perfect in an effort to show your family some appreciation through running around shopping, getting the house perfectly set-up, or rushing to get all your work done before Christmas morning, recognize that you may not actually be present with your loved ones. If you know all the things need to get done for you to feel like you can relax, make sure to set aside time for designated family outings or activities such as ice skating, baking cookies, or even going on a walk. Better yet—get the family to help you decorate or shop!

The Holidays are supposed to be a relaxing, joyful, and cheerful time of year. Don’t put too much pressure to make things perfect and remember that keeping it simple often goes a long ways. Enjoy the season and show us how you and your family celebrate by tagging @Puffworks on Instagram!

Happy Holidays!